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Bug on ttt_crummycradle

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I have no proof of this, but it happened to me too. From spawn, I walked toward the little office thing, then right at the corner from the spawn platform, I heard wood break, then fell. After death, I went up to check the rail where i fell and it was intact. I couldn't fall back through it either

this happened to me too a few months ago
i was walking to the bread room then i glitched through the side and yah

PhysicX M.D.:
Nid PIC or Video.

Maybe a discombob? Because i know discombob's and nades glitch to the bottom (Ground level) but still hurt/move people on top...


--- Quote from: Shawn on January 06, 2011, 06:37:01 PM ---Maybe a discombob? Because i know discombob's and nades glitch to the bottom (Ground level) but still hurt/move people on top...

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--- Quote from: Foofoojack on January 06, 2011, 07:35:08 AM ---Sure it wasn't a discombob, pushed off, jumped off, or something like that? I don't see it possible as to just randomly fall off.

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