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Steamclient()->GetISteamUser garrysmod startup error

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FTW (cooljag123):
hey guys. you might not remember me but im cooljag123.

SO. Im getting this error when i start up garrysmod. when i start garrysmod and it goes to the loading screen, this error pops up   "Steamclient()->GetISteamUser"

Is there anyway to fix this error?

Its been 3 months and this error is still there :(. Plz try to find a solution and tell me. cause i whanna play TTT or wirebuild or Zombie Survival right now.

BTW, i MIGHT uninstall steam.


--- Quote from: FTW (cooljag123) on January 02, 2011, 12:48:51 AM ---BTW, i MIGHT uninstall steam.

--- End quote ---
... You really haven't tried reinstalling Steam yet ...?

That error was like fixed a few weeks already, how could u still get that error?


--- Quote from: HเTMคภ on January 02, 2011, 02:47:43 AM ---That error was like fixed a few weeks already, how could u still get that error?

--- End quote ---
:P I still get it

FTW (cooljag123):

--- Quote from: HเTMคภ on January 02, 2011, 02:47:43 AM ---That error was like fixed a few weeks already, how could u still get that error?

--- End quote ---
idk. i still have that error. im gonna try reinstalling steam. and copy all of my addons and crap.


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