Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
--- Quote from: Deacon(TakeBackTheRain) on January 01, 2011, 06:05:43 PM ---Ok, from what I can understand, this was simple rage.
Pilot did not like being votekicked for accused ghosting. Even if you weren't, its just a kick.
Zomboss did not abuse; Ghosting is kickable, isn't it?
I don't think this is a legitimate request.
If Zomboss was really pushing people with chairs, then I think that should stop though. The example argument is right.
As an unofficial mediator, I think that this should just be forgotten.
Or, we can continue on without blowing this up into something that, in the long run, (I don't think) matters.
--- End quote ---
Pilot was never kicked, but Foo was.
And he never complained either.
Then my services are not needed.
Oh, uh, well, in this case. Spoiler (click to show/hide)nein
Butthurt man is butthurt.
I'm not even going to attempt defending myself for this. Of course, there is no 100% evidence for someone ghosting. But killing two traitors (who did nothing, the 1 was afk) in a row in the beginning of the round is very suspicious. Pilot is in the friendlist of him and was a traitor as me and Sabbath. You should consider the fact, that are never any sure evidences for ghosting, but in that case it was very propable. He should have seen this kick as a warning, not as a reason for his friend being uber-butthurt about fullfilling my duties as VIP when someone is obviously ghosting.
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