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tjreid99's Regular App (30-12-2010)

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Let me say one thing before anything else,

My in-game name:
|Annoying Kids| TJ

My Steam ID:

Perth, Australia

Time online:
Early evening to about 9 at night, during school term, but in the holidays, whenever it suits me. Though, my PC won't connect to the internet, and i have ALL my steam games on there, and the laptop, I use for forum-ing :P has no room for 'em. I'm gonna try for internet on the PC! MY HARDEST! ^-^

Age: 14

Birthday: 19/January/1996

Games on Steam:
Garry's Mod
Team Fortress 2
Napoleon Total War
CS Source
Mirror's Edge
Hoping to buy more :P

Why I wanna get Regular'd:
:P Mingebags totally ruin our gaming experience and we NEED someone with the power and leadership to be able to vote to KICK or BAN the minges and make everyone's gaming experience a whole lot better. I think I should get this privelige, so that's why I'm applying!

Contributions to RND:
I posted a topic on an automatic minge-banning system, and i try my very hardest to help everyone online.
I know that's not many, but I will sure strive to do more if and when i get Regular Status.

My contact details:
MSN & e-mail:
Mobile no: 0414 882 062

I tried to make this good, cos' i don't want to waste anybody's time!
So don't think about it, just do it.
Make tjreid99, (THAT'S ME...)  have (Regular) behind their name

I will tell you what i have told the other...2 people i told this. trust me, i'm trying to help you out

go here,854.0.html
read it through.

then go here,1552.0.html
use this format
credit to team don

Modify this post with the above.
Don't forget to add the date in your title

good luck to you, and we'll see what happens.

thx bro :D


--- Quote from: tjreid99 on December 30, 2010, 03:17:43 AM ---Let me say one thing before anything else,
I would kill the mingeez too if i could!

--- End quote ---



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