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there is no ritual for sucking anyones dick here, its a matter of being admin in the games to be global mod, there are exceptions for certain players who might be global mod and not admin ingame

and im sick of hearing ur stupid shit remarks itchydaniel and if i see it again i will ban u for a very , and i mean VERY long ass mother fucking time, got it? good

There are some real dumbasses here...


--- Quote from: Moo on December 29, 2010, 08:29:15 PM ---there is no ritual for sucking anyones dick here, its a matter of being admin in the games to be global mod, there are exceptions for certain players who might be global mod and not admin ingame

and im sick of hearing ur stupid shit remarks itchydaniel and if i see it again i will ban u for a very , and i mean VERY long ass mother fucking time, got it? good

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--- Quote from: Teeny on December 29, 2010, 08:29:31 PM ---There are some real dumbasses here...

--- End quote ---

Triple combo anyone?

Global moderator is a very powerful rank that isn't to be trifled with. You can make as many jokes about it as you want, but you're just bringing down your chances of EVER getting a place of authority by showing everybody just what an immature prick you are.

PhysicX M.D.:

--- Quote from: César on December 29, 2010, 05:42:33 PM ---
So I must be an admin to be a Global Moderator?

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What I meant was,send a Global Moderator/Admin application to one of the global moderators.(By PM)
The very active global moderators are:
Majora's Mask
Magic Ozone,
and Tomcat.

Send your app to either of them.Then the global moderator/admin(The one which you sent your app to)most likely will post the app.Then admins will discuss about it.May take a long time.
Global Moderators ARE Admins and Super Admins.Ingame,Global moderators are admins.At Forum,Admins are global moderators.Same thing with super admin(except super admin has more powers).

Sorry about my English.
--- Quote from: Moo on December 29, 2010, 08:29:15 PM ---there is no ritual for sucking anyones dick here, its a matter of being admin in the games to be global mod, there are exceptions for certain players who might be global mod and not admin ingame

and im sick of hearing ur stupid shit remarks itchydaniel and if i see it again i will ban u for a very , and i mean VERY long ass mother fucking time, got it? good

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