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Wheres my Reg?? D:


I've applyed on forums and i got accepted but i've entered the game and im not with the regular please someone fix this??

Junior Regular App (December 24 2010,09:10pm - Gmt -3:00 / -3:30

You have to give the link to your approved application to an admin in-game, they'll promote you.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: DoeniDon on December 29, 2010, 10:54:49 AM ---You have to give the link to your approved application to an admin in-game, they'll promote you.

--- End quote ---

Add an (active) admin to your friends list.
Whenever they are in-game, talk to them and give them the link to your approved application.

They will promote you.
(please don't bug an admin by sending them 9000 messages about going in game just to promote you especially if they are inactive)


Find an admin in one of the 9 servers. (use /gl <type message here> to find one)
Send them a link to your approved application.

They will promote you.

oh yeah thanks,how im dumb i forgot this :P


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