Bans (Read Only) > Approved
SabbathFreak Appeal to Demotion
.--:'SabbathFreak's Appeal to Demotion':--.
Well I finally decided it's time for me to make an appeal and submit another VIP app.
I finally decided to make my appeal because of the large number of minges on TTT all the time, and I rather not have to call other VIPs or admins in to help.
Summary of Demotion
I was originally demoted a while ago for abusing VIP and taking advantage of the SourceBans system when it was down. I have realized my mistake, and do not plan on making another poor decision with rank again.
I take full responsibility for what I did, it was my wrong-doing and I believe I have had my suitable punishment.
More information on the original demotion here:,2247.0.html
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32011794
My Apologies
I hope everyone can forgive me for the previous event, and will be willing to give me another chance to apply and hopefully become VIP again.
Thank you.
Definitely was one of the best VIPs and I do believe he learnt his lesson from being demoted such a long time.
Apart from that, incredible fun to play and talk with and doesn't rage at players for being pure idiots. :thumbsup:
PhysicX M.D.:
Yes.He can get back vip.
You may be a persistent jerk but you deserve VIP :thumbsup:
Spoiler (click to show/hide) :trollface: :fullheart: :fullheart:
Instead of typing a reason I'm just going to :thumbsup: the appeal.
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