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Suggestion to build my new computer

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Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: DoeniDon on December 29, 2010, 01:55:58 PM ---... You do realise that overclocking voids your AMD warranty as well, don't you? ._.

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Silly me, it appears they do :3

But even then they still support overclocking. If you look here, they distribute overclocking softwares. I'm sure Intel does the same but really, the AMD is easy to overclock on air cooling alone. But no matter what you guys have to say about intel, it's already been proven that AMD has alot more efficiency than an Intel.

Even though this is not the right CPU's we are talking about, it just goes to show that if gaming is your #1 top priority, it would be best choosing an AMD.

Take alook at this phenom ii x6,

It may have a lower cache than an i7, but both manufactures handle memory differently. And it has already been proven (google is your friend, or click here) that AMD handles resources better than an Intel. And besides, you can just overclock it from 2.8 to 3.33 easily on air cooling.

And since cèsar's intel is $999 and my AMD is $179, do the math here.


If you have to run through heavy, multi-threaded applications...then Intel is your top priority. If you just want to worry about gaming performance, then you'd choose AMD. And besides, with $820, you can upgrade the motherboard you were going to get, throw in another graphics card to sli/crossfire with, or do what ever.

But if you really want to do intel, then go ahead. But it's just that AMD would be a better choice for gaming here.

And amd boards are cheaper. Hehehe. Counts.


--- Quote from: Peetah on December 29, 2010, 06:02:23 PM ---And amd boards are cheaper. Hehehe. Counts.

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hey...its too late now...go sleep kid  :trollface:

Just Kidding :D


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