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Some mic probs

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Alrighty plain and simple here

1.) Mic in-game causes ear rape apocalypse
2.) Mic only acts this way in Steam and its games; using my mic anywhere else and it sounds perfectly fine ex: Skype,Fl Studio,TeamSpeak etc....
3.) This problem doesnt effect HLDJ seeming that when i use it the song plays back fine
4.) This problem doesnt seem to be caused by HLDJ because starting gmod without it the earpocalypse insues

i really would like to fix this cause my sick, devious TTT mind cannot get accross my sick and devious phrases and lines

PS: the earpocalypse can only be described as this.... WHOOOAAAAWHOOOOOOWHOOOOOOAWHOOOOOOAWHOOOOOAWHOOOOOAWHOOAAA (autotuned)(volume all the way up)


Since its not caused by the other programs. And it seems the the actual Mic is fine.
Id say its the game. Try lowing volume in Options>Voice.


--- Quote from: Peetah on December 27, 2010, 02:38:23 PM ---Since its not caused by the other programs. And it seems the the actual Mic is fine.
Id say its the game. Try lowing volume in Options>Voice.

--- End quote ---

tried that but its the same thing i had this problem once before and it fixed itself after restarting gmod but this time its not the case =[

Yeah, your mic is HORRIBLE, no offense. If I was you, I would go buy a headset. Seems like you use speakers and a mic and it causes horrible echo. I recommend these. Don't listen to sabbath, he will probably say they're shit and broke but he probably like banged it against the wall or droped them.  :)


--- Quote from: .:ЯӢĐ - Pryvisee on December 27, 2010, 02:59:35 PM ---Yeah, your mic is HORRIBLE, no offense. If I was you, I would go buy a headset. Seems like you use speakers and a mic and it causes horrible echo. I recommend these. Don't listen to sabbath, he will probably say they're shit and broke but he probably like banged it against the wall or droped them.  :)

--- End quote ---

yea but see the problem is its seems to only be in Steam and its source games (not even other games like BC2) i'm not trying to spend money on a problem that

A.) Could be fixed without having to buy a new mic
B.) Could possibly continue if it is a problem with steam and its source games (which it probably is)


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