Technology (Read Only) > Computers

Computer n00b; Advice needed!

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--- Quote from: Orgazmo on December 27, 2010, 11:42:33 AM ---1. Sell computer for exuberant price
2. Count the monies
3. Buy Mac Book Pro
4. ???????
5. Profit! Play all Valve and Blizzard games

In b4 Mac is teh gehy

--- End quote ---

ib4 the only games you CAN play

1. Sell computer for exuberant price
2. Count the monies
3. build your own computer
4. ???????
5. Profit! Play all games


--- Quote from: Degtyarev on December 27, 2010, 12:22:53 PM ---ib4 the only games you CAN play

1. Sell computer for exuberant price
2. Count the monies
3. build your own computer
4. ???????
5. Profit! Play all games

--- End quote ---

1. Sell computer for exuberant price
2. Count the monies
3. build your own computer
4. Fail from his lack of compewter knows
4. ???????
5. Profit! Use CD tray as cup holder


--- Quote from: Orgazmo on December 27, 2010, 01:42:05 PM ---1. Sell computer for exuberant price
2. Count the monies
3. build your own computer
4. Fail from his lack of compewter knows
4. ???????
5. Profit! Use CD tray as cup holder

--- End quote ---
This would probably be me.


--- Quote from: Orgazmo on December 27, 2010, 01:42:05 PM ---1. Sell computer for exuberant price
2. Count the monies
3. build your own computer
4. Fail from his lack of compewter knows
4. ???????
5. Profit! Use CD tray as cup holder

--- End quote ---

the computer is actually sitting on my kitchen table with the case off right now. it will soon become a burning pile of shit in the backyard

thanks for the help guys, but my brother has given up on this project (he had the moneys) and on me, so i'm hoping that i can get 10 fps out of this once i get back


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