Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
ryuijiq's Regular App [12/23/2010]
--- Quote from: ryuijiq on December 23, 2010, 03:49:14 PM ---2- Because I know people will still be mad about this-
Remember when several VIPs were votekicking on TTT back when SourceBans was teh borkz? Remember when that guy aemxr got mad and reported them? Remember when they got demoted? Yeah. I want you to know something. Yes, I reported them. Yes they got demoted. I am not sorry, and I am still not sure if I agreed with the decision to demote. I did not make that decision. The admins did. I simply reported them because I thought votekicking me was unfair and it turned into a discussion thread. The final decision was made by the admins, not me. Get over it.
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That has absolutely nothing to do with it. We are not mad. We agreed to the demotion and understood completely.
By acting like a big shot and saying "Get over it." just makes you sound like a dick.
Furthermore, I have seen you in-game many times. When it comes to TTT, rdming and minging. On a similar note, Wirebuild, you constantly prop spam, prop push, minge, etc.
In summation, :gtfo:
We ain't mad.
--- Quote from: jman15234 on December 24, 2010, 11:16:10 AM ---Furthermore, I have seen you in-game many times. When it comes to TTT, rdming and minging. On a similar note, Wirebuild, you constantly prop spam, prop push, minge, etc.
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Give me an example of a recent time I prop spammed or pushed, or RDM'd on TTT otherthantheoneincidentweshouldjustletdieoksoplzstfu ?
» Magic «:
User has been banned for: voting down every post at his chance, app has been denied also because of this
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