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Minecraft shittiest dungeon ever


played on peacful so i didnt have to deal with creepers spawning outta it lol

So as I was fucking around I fell into some water.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)As I looked down I saw cobblestone lining the bottomost block of the walls. and began to dig around. and then I found this
Spoiler (click to show/hide)SOO I started to dig around looking for  :cake: (chests)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)and got pissed at all the water. So I went back to get tools and my cobblestone to block the bitch up.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And began to dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig
Spoiler (click to show/hide)AND THERE WAS NOTHING ;_;

» Magic «:
dat mobspawner

Mr. Franklin:
i think 2 pumpkins is enough :present:

LOL! That happened to me once as well except i was digging down from some random lake and ended up in some dungeon where I got killed because I was playing on hard...That'll teach me to play on hard xD.


--- Quote from: aumkarpraja on December 22, 2010, 06:57:22 PM ---LOL! That happened to me once as well except i was digging down from some random lake and ended up in some dungeon where I got killed because I was playing on hard...That'll teach me to play on hard xD.

--- End quote ---
Exaclty LOLL everytime I find a dungeon im like. Fuck NO and turn it to peacfull  :trollface:


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