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so. dat eclipse

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Yeah it was cloudy in Toronto.
Oh well we partied anyways.

10 degrees over here at 2am..

Yeah fuck that eclipse.


--- Quote from: Degtyarev on December 21, 2010, 09:31:29 AM ---was total shit cause there were clouds fucking everywhere last night

--- End quote ---
Ya well I could see it, and right when I realized the clouds weren't covering it where I was, I went to go get my camera and wait outside for the eclipse, and my camera died.
Then I was all like FFFFFFFFFFFFF so I go get my cell phone.
Cell phone died >.>.

That's when I decided to go fly tables in TTT :dukenukem:.

happens once every ~350 years...
this is disappoint. the first time it was really cloudy in a week pretty much


--- Quote from: Degtyarev on December 21, 2010, 09:36:34 AM ---happens once every ~350 years...
this is disappoint. the first time it was really cloudy in a week pretty much

--- End quote ---
Lunar eclipses happen once a year according to my trusty Google.


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