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Minecraft: The RND Bio-Dome

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"Outdated Server!"

cant join the game

EDIT: yeah i got it

Dude, I've been looking at that island, I'm only stuck at the big wall where i spawned.

See my thread lolz.


--- Quote from: MasteRyu on December 22, 2010, 10:12:53 AM ---"Outdated Server!"

cant join the game

--- End quote ---

Did you not read the other half of that post?

--- Quote ---His IP is

You need 1.2.6 to play on it though.

If you need a older client, PM me.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: DoeniDon on December 21, 2010, 02:06:37 PM ---Notch has stated multiple times that buyers of the beta won't get the full game.

--- End quote ---

Learn to read copyright!


What you get for purchasing
Please note that Minecraft is currently a work in progress and NOT a finished product! The sandbox mode available right now. However, you may buy a discounted beta account today, which will also include the full game!

The island is gone btw, and some place further from it is going to be lined up with 6.02.AXs, theres 1 broken one somewhere thats being repaired.


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