Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Deviant/Devie/Moolz

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Devie is very responsible, educated, and helpful.

I would like to see your opinions of her as an admin applicant.

She has gone ahead and made an admin application below.


Deviant/Devie/Moolz's Admin Application
(yes, this is on a serious note)

I'm going to start us off with some basic information:

Name: Mary
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:28739653
In-game, I'm known as: .:~RND`=- moolz ♥♥
Location: East coast, USA
Age: 19 and hot (lawl)
Languages: English and Tagalog
Race: Asian (Filipino)
Gender: Female

Now for the good part;

   Most of you met me as "Deviant" and later on as Devie and Moolz. I have actively been a part of this community for awhile, but not as long as most of you have. I am going to be honest, I was opposed of the idea of me being an admin. Due to the fact that the community engulfed in flames (especially artik) when we "trolled" and pretended coolz promoted me and teeny during the summer. It was mainly for the laughs but I was quite surprised at how the community reacted.

   Not once in my mind I have thought of being an admin (not because I question my abilities of becoming one since I know I wll do great) even before the "trolling" incident during the summer. But over time, I have become great friends with coolz, moo and teeny - we have become inseparable. I have amazing fun when I'm around them and chilling with them every night is something we have all grown a custom to (I plan to fly and them soon :D). I've earned their trust and they earned mine. We let each other know everything about the community - and moo's job will be a lot easier if teeny and I helped out.
   Above all, I have gotten to know coolz in a way no one can, and vice versa. This serves a big role in this application. Coolz has done so many things for me, and I want to do the same for him. I know I don't have to be an admin to help him but I want to help him in every way possible. It's hard to help a person you want to help when you're over 9000 miles away. That's why I want to help him in every way I can. Suddenly, after being suggested by moo, I've become open-minded about being an admin. Although, I still am slightly opposed - maybe because, I don't want the community to rage at coolz. I don't want to be the cause.

   Just a heads up, this is not me asking or begging to be admin. This "application" (shouldn't even be called an application) is an explanation on what's going on behind the desk. I already know what coolz' decision is. I am here to mainly to ask the community, to understand that me becoming an admin is not a mistake. I would never do anything to disappoint coolz in any way. You all may have your own opinion about me, but coolz knows me more in depth than any of you do. Just trust my words when I say "I won't let you down".

What I would do with rule breakers:

No. I refuse to do this section, and an explanation why would be relevant. I noticed most admin applications have this, but mine wont.

Reason 1: Every situation will be different - specifying what I would do would be silly because it will clearly be biased :/
Reason 2: There's no way to tell what I would to - I would know when the situation comes but telling beforehand is ... well, I'm not a fortune teller.
Reason 3: There are always two sides to every story - I will find out over 9000 sides before I do action.

To finish up;

   You have played with me in-game. Yes, we did troll a couple of times with the help of moo and coolz, just for fun. But for the most part, you do know that I play fairly without a doubt - and I play a good game - Yeah I may suck at playing the game itself but, I am a good player in general.

   You may also say that there are other players who have been here longer and deserve it more than I. Well, I understand your point. That's why I respect coolz' decision. I won't let him down. I just hope you understand, that it's his decision - please respect it. Rage at me if you're mad at me becoming an admin - not him.

What kind of admin I'll be?
   I may be another moo... haha just kidding. We'll just have to see :)

Jijijappi - Uh huh.

Титор Дирижабль Dirijabl' Titor



I wouldn't say the community was engulfed in flames, but tbh People were pretty mad by the fact that you (yes I know it was just trolling) were chosen purely for the fact that you and coolz had something going  :trollface:
This App is legitimate so no one should have any objections to this decision process
 :thumbsup: Devie is definantly one of the old timers back when we still had Xexxar raging in zs and mingiez prop pushing in flood. I donut think she will abuse.


--- Quote from: Tomcat on December 20, 2010, 03:04:44 PM ---+-0

--- End quote ---

I was looking for reasons like usual, do you have any comments?


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on December 20, 2010, 02:42:18 PM ---No. I refuse to do this section, and an explanation why would be relevant. I noticed most admin applications have this, but mine wont.

Reason 1: Every situation will be different - specifying what I would do would be silly because it will clearly be biased :/
Reason 2: There's no way to tell what I would to - I would know when the situation comes but telling beforehand is ... well, I'm not a fortune teller.
Reason 3: There are always two sides to every story - I will find out over 9000 sides before I do action.

--- End quote ---

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This is what i shit finally wanted to read.

There is not a standard rule to follow in certainly cases, most of the people lock on "I have to do that in that case, and finishing doing nothing..."

 :thumbsup: :trollface:

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