Bans (Read Only) > Approved
©aptain§aveahoe Ban Appeal
1. Player's SteamID - STEAM_0:1:13901250
2. Players Nickname - Players usually call me captain or just the full name.
3. Your in-game name - ©aptain§aveahoe
4. Server name - .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Trouble in Terrorist Town|Tick66|
5. Description of the event(s) - Umm I was reading chat and saw that moo had said "If I were mad I would ban u all." my reply was "I like to be banned." meant in the most sarcastic was I didn't mean it literally.
6. Reason for appeal - The reason I want to appeal my ban is because I support randoms servers for sometime now even drag friends in there with me I have never once disrespected an admin or been banned from any server why start now? well I never intended to get banned but I did I dont know if its cause moo was having a bad day or did it just for the simple principle that what I said was takin literally. I hope you understand I'm a dedicated player and I spend the majority of my time in your servers. Anyways its only 1 day ban from what i've seen on the sourcebans website. Hope its not a permanent deal.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s) - No proof of the situation hope I won't need one didn't seem that serious.
8. Link to sourceban page -
» Magic «:
Try talking to moo
and it's 1day
--- Quote from: » ȫ-ɀ-ȫ-ɳ-ȅ « on December 19, 2010, 02:57:21 AM ---Try talking to moo
and it's 1day
--- End quote ---
Thanks I talked with Moo and I think Im in the clear now. Time for some more TTT and Zombie Survival Tomorrow!
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