Bans (Read Only) > Approved

MW2 Traitor

(1/2) > >>

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32723451

Nickname: MW2 Traitor (believe to be used by dh shooter)

My Ingame Name: Sheeps_Aholy (with all those symbols)

Server: TTT

MW2 first joins on the server and headshots every person then leaves, comes back later on then headshots everyone again no missing. I start a voteban on him and it fails then he threatens with ddos and I voteban again for threating and hacking it passes and he isn't banned.
Reason of Ban: Hacking | Threaten server with ddos


Console Dump:

Just ban him. He's lying when he said he's gonna stop using hacks. Also he shot 3 people in the head without missing once.

Tiger Guy:
sure is butthurt little kiddies around here with dos_flooder.exe thinking they can take down google - Sadistic Slayer

I say off with his head!


--- Quote from: Peetah on August 17, 2010, 08:19:13 AM ---I say off with his head!

--- End quote ---


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