Technology (Read Only) > Mapping

ttt_Yomocorp_v1 (25%)

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Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: Supertoaster on December 15, 2010, 03:56:01 PM ---It looks like the factory from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, plz add Super/Toaster Co


--- End quote ---

You failed to specify what product you are going to manufacture.


--- Quote from: Cake Faic on December 15, 2010, 04:18:50 PM ---You failed to specify what product you are going to manufacture.

--- End quote ---

Toasters. Hurr.

Mr. Franklin:
Lets just say FranklinCorp comes along and helps Yomocorp build a skyscraper... then FranklinCorp donates 500 franklin coconuts to Yomocorp, and now Yomo and his tree friends are very rich. end of map making. Oh and don't forget that Yomocorp should be a burning ablaze....

» Magic «:
Ozocorp Air facilitation :cake:

Tiger Guy:
This is Yomocorp twin skyscrapers.


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