Entertainment (Read Only) > Comics
i want to facepalm...but there is too much fail here for that.
i've got nothing. :darkbluepacmanghost:
--- Quote from: Shawn on December 13, 2010, 11:38:59 PM ---How does that make since considering Canada never owned Alaska?
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What the fuck am I reading?
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: Carp on December 14, 2010, 12:54:17 AM ---quite possibly the stupidest statement i have ever heard...no offense.
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How so?
He's calling Native Americans Canadian because they came from Alaska, but Alaska was never owned by us. Alaska has only been own by Russia and the United States.
So please do share on how my comment is the "stupidest" thing you ever heard?
--- Quote from: Shawn on December 14, 2010, 12:21:13 PM ---How so?
He's calling Native Americans Canadian because they came from Alaska, but Alaska was never owned by us. Alaska has only been own by Russia and the United States.
So please do share on how my comment is the "stupidest" thing you ever heard?
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--- Quote from: Mr. Franklin on December 13, 2010, 03:11:43 PM ---Native Americans first crossed threw Alaska, from Russia. so basically their original place here in North America, is Canada.
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