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Might as well VIP appeal

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:trollface: VIP Demotion Appeal :trollface:
Why do i want VIP back?
Because the only VIP i see on TTT now is pryvisee and sometimes hes not on when needed. and there are way more rdmers now and pryv is not always there lolololololololool

What happened:
Well SB was broken and my friends were at my house, so i started a votekick on cookiemonster for the lulz and then eventually it got out of hand and some vips were abusing and during the votekicks, moo personally went on and warneed us not to do it anymore. which we did And some guy named aemxr i think reported us before he warned us because i guess he was butthurt from getting kicked as T, but we kind of deserved it  :yes:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Also, when someone kicked jman, it kicked me for some reason  :trollface:
i hope i get VIP back, if i don't its alright :P


just reapply derp

lol bob saget i thought we have to make an appeal and vip..


--- Quote from: Buddha on December 12, 2010, 03:02:45 PM ---lol bob saget i thought we have to make an appeal and vip..

--- End quote ---

depends on what moo said i guess
ask him

gamefreak is uninformed as always.
VIPs have to make an appeal and can then reapply.


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