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I'm tired of this
Yet another karma system thread.
You can't take chances.
You have to be an absolute angel.
Mistakes cost too much.
Rewards aren't rewarding enough.
RDM hasn't gone down.
RDM has a bigger effect.
Not enough rewards.
Too many mistakes.
Crummy Cradle was so popular because of the traitor tester, which people kept voting as to be completely sure somebody was the traitor.
You have to be 125% sure somebody is the traitor to take the chance, and even then they might not be traitor.
You have to not do anything for 2+ hours to get your karma up to acceptable levels.
"x is the traitor!" is useless now that nobody is willing to take the chance.
Sometimes you don't even know why your karma went down because a stray bullet'/buckshot ball bearing hit somebody.
Part of the excitement of TTT is the chance to gamble. Is that person the traitor? Only one way to truly find out. But now the stakes are too high. The only reason I still play RND TTT is because I love the community.
The only people I see defending the karma system are people that as far as I can see don't play the server that often.
Change the karma system back to the old version, keep the perma-karma. Add rewards for defusing C4 / killing Innocents as Traitor.
banned: reason butthurt
Spoiler (click to show/hide)k im done argueing with idiots, thread is LOCKED, the system STAYS... if ur expecting a :xmastree: :present: from :santahat: in ur :santastocking: then u r fking :trollface: , so go get a fkin :gbman: or find a fking girl n :mistletoe:
Im sick of this im right bullshit for karma system, some ppl like it, some ppl dont, obviously rdmers dont like it, and ppl who dont dont mind it at all, if i see another fkin thread im gonna fking kill u
--- Quote from: Moo on December 11, 2010, 11:07:13 PM ---if i see another fkin thread im gonna fking kill u
--- End quote ---
LOL thats what you said on the last one.
--- Quote from: Seb on December 11, 2010, 10:44:31 PM ---.
Crummy Cradle was so popular because of the traitor tester, which people kept voting as to be completely sure somebody was the traitor.
--- End quote ---
Nope. I vote for crummy cradle because of its high sniper appeal
--- Quote from: Seb on December 11, 2010, 10:44:31 PM ---"x is the traitor!" is useless now that nobody is willing to take the chance.
--- End quote ---
Also no, its been always useless. People spam that all the time, whether permakarma or not.
i don't really mind perma karma, actually, having 10 karma is pretty fun =) you get to shoot the traitors 9000 times and then you get knifed lolololol :trollface:
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