Bans (Read Only) > Approved

My other accounts unban request. Read on

(1/3) > >>

Hey guys , Deathsongx3 here , you remember me. Been on the server since 2008.  Making Random server videos .

You see , i have 2 accounts .
My account :
And My other account :

Sia Liang Guan , The person i lent my account to for quite a long time . Sigh* he makes my butt hurt by getting it banned . What did he do? RDM. ',1769.0.html'

In school , he tells me ' He RDM me first la , He only change the console text ' . I do not know who to believe . Well, It was my account at first but then i passed it to my neighbour , my neighbour and I , are very dissapointed .

I was wondering if I could get an unban for the other account , STEAM_0:0:34119461
My neighbour comes to my house every week and we play gmod . We would love to make ZS videos to promote your server.

PS. Sia Liang Guan aka ShadowofDoom will NOT be using my account anymore.
Right now the account belongs to my neighbour , deathspawn , or sometimes worldspawn.

Thanks .

 wrong section please post in Appeals please.

You shouldn't have lent your account out to people who aren't trustworthy in the first place, or people at all for that matter.
I don't believe I know you, but you seem to be mature about this, so I say it would be fair to give him a second chance?
If you fuck that up again though, then I wouldn't count on another chance after that.

it needs to be said, that your picture is awesome. :santahat:


--- Quote from: Deacon(TakeBackTheRain) on December 11, 2010, 03:30:24 PM ---it needs to be said, that your picture is awesome. :santahat:

--- End quote ---

I lol'd.



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