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PlayX for VIP's?

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Uh, kinda confused but I've been not able to spawn the PlayX player for quite some time. So I asked magic if he could join and look at the settings I guess, and it's still set for VIP's.. Idk if this is a bug or not, but PlayX is like the only reason I play build  ;).

Yus I support this.

Yes good idea.

Wtf is PlayX?


--- Quote from: .:ЯӢĐ - Pryvisee on December 10, 2010, 09:50:06 PM ---Uh, kinda confused but I've been not able to spawn the PlayX player for quite some time. So I asked magic if he could join and look at the settings I guess, and it's still set for VIP's.. Idk if this is a bug or not, but PlayX is like the only reason I play build  ;).

--- End quote ---

Hmm it might of got updated and the features were taken away

Ill ask coolz about dis.


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