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--- Quote from: Xrain on December 09, 2010, 08:30:28 PM ---So your saying the sole reason reason Windows XP is better, is because you can make your start bar have porno pictures?

Honestly, if the thing you like most in an operating system is customization, what the hell are you doing even touching a proprietary operating system?

FFS go to Linux, you cant even hold a candle to any windows system in terms of options and customization when compared to Linux.

So if you are into customization, go with Linux, for everyone else who doesn't care what their start bar looks like, go with windows 7. If you are new to computers, get an apple.

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Win iMoo

what HDDs do you have and how much space is on each?

I'd recommend Win7 then install a really simple distro like Lubuntu or Xubuntu (best desktop environments ever) then lrn2.linux.

I use Win7 and a custom-built linux system (build kernel, base pkgs like bash and glibc, shadow, coreutils, etc. then go install awesomeness like Compiz and xfce4-panel and get a kick-ass background on DeviantArt :D)


Order of difficulty goes something like this: Custom build <- Gentoo/Funtoo <- Arch/Slackware <- Everything else

Everything else e.g. Ubuntu: Click install. Select where to install (e.g. a different HDD or partition). Reboot.
Arch/Slack require you to install all packages other than the base that you want manually. E.g. XFCE. After install&reboot you start at an empty console with little to no guidance.
Gentoo is like building a custom system except the base packages are already compiled and you can use the package manager for everything.
Custom build is time-consuming although not really that hard, you just tend to miss a lot of dependencies and have to get the shared libraries paths' included correctly in each program build.

Building a custom kernel, for any distro, is really fun IMO :D

I got Ubuntu 10.04 and will keep it forever. Just want an OS in which I can easily play games. I also got a 500GB HDD and another one of 160GB. I'm planning on instlaling the new OS in the 160GB one and keep the 500GB for Ubuntu and all the big files(games, movies, music, etc.).


--- Quote from: Xrain on December 09, 2010, 08:30:28 PM ---So if you are into customization, go with Linux, for everyone else who doesn't care what their start bar looks like, go with windows 7. If you are new to computers, get an apple.

--- End quote ---

Dem' command prompts would be too complicated for poor ol' Itchy.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on December 09, 2010, 07:34:49 PM ---Windows 7 is good if you're a faggot who just plays games and works.

Windows 7 is NOT good for scripters. It is entirely different from XP in terms of customization. You are restricted to what the machine can do, not what you can do.

Windows XP was entirely dynamic, easy to use, customizable to the extent that you can pretty much make it look like whatever you fuck you want it to.

Your start bar could be fucking coolzeldad prono.

--- End quote ---

You honestly don't know anything do you...


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