.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

When RND bites the dust...

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Instead of paying attention in math class today, i was thinking about RND and what happens when it ends.
Everything comes to and end eventually. I dont know if i'll still be on gmod when it does end, But i hope not. I love RND very much aswell as all of the players.
If RND would end, What would me and my web friends do? What would i play. I'm aware there are many other servers and games... But it wont be the same. Random's ZS server was the first server i ever joined. Years later and I'm still playing it.


I have nothing intelligent I could say about if RND "bit the dust"  :'(

reary rong fap

Cake Faice:
@ Sab, stop haxing coolz's mysql server fgt and changing your respected

@ Topic, RND would demise itself by everyone making each other ragequit by serious business comments.

Understand i do want you guys to be serious about this thread.
I want to know your thoughts on this.
Trolls can gtfo now.


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