Support (Read Only) > Suggestions

Server List?


SdBolts4 +:
I've looked all around and it doesn't seem that we have a server list up to make it easy to see all the different game modes, etc.

Also, if there already is one, make it more VISIBLE!!!

did u try... frontpage... or did you try the community page or did u try !help in the servers


--- Quote from: Moo on December 07, 2010, 07:37:45 PM ---did u try... frontpage... or did you try the community page or did u try !help in the servers

--- End quote ---

Lol moo this was what you were talking about ingame  :D

SdBolts4 +:
O.o i'm a retard. sorry i'm on the in-game browser and it's kinda screwy for me. you can delete this thread.


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