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Fucking MW2 makes me rage so hard

(1/3) > >>

Imagine this...

Domination, Quarry.

You're doing the typical thing to get a nuke, GP-25 + OMA Pro + Danger Close Pro + Claymores.

I get a shitload of streaks, I need one more kill left, and I shoot the grenade at somebody.

It's flying in a beautiful arc, going straight towards their face, and impacts. Boom. The only problem?

Somebody else on the enemy team called a nuke while my grenade was in mid-air.

>mfw i almost rip xbox in half with bare arms

My MW2 is more like
start game
get killed
get killed
get killed
get one kill
get killed instantly


My MW2 is more like
killsomeone (up to 1-3)
get spawnkilled
kill the spawnkiller

1. Realize CoD is shit and ragequit.
2. Start up Gmod.
3. Go to ZS.
4. Get killed and ragequit that too.
5. Join TTT.
6. You get traitor, Sabbath is your teammate.
7. You don't die and you're troubles are over because Sabbath is all that is holy.
8. ???
9. Profit.


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on December 07, 2010, 03:58:01 PM ---Solution:
1. Realize CoD is shit and ragequit.
2. Start up Gmod.
3. Go to ZS.
4. Get killed and ragequit that too.
5. Join TTT.
6. You get traitor, Sabbath is your teammate.
7. You don't die and you're troubles are over because Sabbath is all that is holy.
8. ???
9. Profit.

--- End quote ---

CoD IS shit, I won't deny that, but it's fun shit.


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