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Kicked out of the group.

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Ahh Yes now I remember you.

Ill Tell Coolz ASAP

As you can see we've gone though a lot (Website changes)

Welcome back.
You were kicked out of the group a while ago so that coolz could re-add everyone in thats on his VIP/ Reg/ Admin list, to make sure only people who were promoted are int he group.
Also, why'd you decide to come back again? You haven't been on in ages.


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on December 06, 2010, 04:48:18 PM ---Welcome back.
You were kicked out of the group a while ago so that coolz could re-add everyone in thats on his VIP/ Reg/ Admin list, to make sure only people who were promoted are int he group.
Also, why'd you decide to come back again? You haven't been on in ages.

--- End quote ---

He Went away to do some amazing things.

Did you have a facepunch Account

Yeah jeez. Isn't he part of the creation of the "oh so popular" flood mod?  :o

Anyways, welcome back  :)


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