Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Cake Face

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--- Quote from: Cake Faic on December 05, 2010, 07:28:14 PM ---Edited from VIP app.

NAME: Obviously Cake Face

STEAMID: 0:0:19485176

AGE: 15

REAL NAME: I'd like to withhold that

LOCATION: N. Las Vegas (oh hai thar sanders)


Description: Oh hai thar. My name iz Cake FaiecePenisFace Almost everyone luvs me with all of their heart and cant stay made at meh

I usually help people with common sense and who arent total nubs. For some examples:

If your going to be a raging faggot and mic-spam shitty music knowing that no-one can do nothing against you but mute, there are certain guidelines where you wont be a faggot and 90% of the server wont mute you.

* Weaboo shit, Beaner crap, and -african american-, and screamo music will make you seem like a douche and hated by everyone. If you dunt play those category's, you will be an awesome fag.

Not a total asshole if one. I sorta make friends with anyone really who wont do something stupid/asshole-ish. I get pretty good grades in school...and struggle with math a bit. Just not my best subject. I'm pretty much a "Computer geek" when defined by other people I hang around. Like I can fix minor computer software problems and build computers without much trouble at-least. I guess you can say I'm really forgiving though, but I don't forget and let go of grudges too easily. At the most, I dont blow my stack easily. I have a low-tolerance for moron's and trolls at the most.

Why you wants' you's Admin: CUZ I WANT TO BAN MIENGIS OOLOLOLOXDXDno. A good sum of admins are not really active anymore. I am starting to play garry's mod lately and on rnd. I've seen stupid RDM's and trolling go around, people generally doing stupid stuff most of the time which antagonizes other's.

And I hate minges. Period. Mofucker's need to die. Simple, if someone breaks the rules, or attempts to dance around them like the pain-in-the-asses they are.

Unless its something serious/needs to be done, I stop when people tell me to stop.

And I actually have the time for VIP/Admin apps to be posted. So I guess if an admin cant do the task right now, I could always fill in.

And I'm always online pretty much 95% of the time. Unless I leave to the store or something or my internet fucks up. I guess I wont be online then.

If 2 nubs are having a conflict in build, I'll go over thar, freeze them both, teleport them to alone area, and resolve it there and do appropriate punishment.

If someone mic-spams, !globalmute that shit.

Anything else?: Wtf? No fagget. thats it.

Who the fuck you callin faggot, faggot: Im calling you a faggot

Suck my dick bitch!: How can I suck something that's microscopic.


--- End quote ---

 :thumbsup: I've seen him on the server before I was respected and his name was lolwut. Always seemed like a nice guy to me.

hmm don't know this guy well

anything notable?

» Magic «:
hes awesome, never mingey by my experience(months)


He noisy Ned Ban


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