Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
|AHN|Killah 12/4/2010 (MM,DD,YYYY)
Name : |AHN| Killah
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25627903
Ingame name: .:RND`=-|AHN| Killahz
Time online: Usually 4PM-10:30PM (week days) and 12:00PM -> 12:00AM (weekends) {Obviously with Breaks}
Age : 14
Games : Gmod, HL2, CSS, TF2, GTA4, Borderlands, HL2:EP2 & EP1
Location: , Newzealand
Favourite Gamemode: Trouble in terrorist town
I would like to be a regular because i have been playing on RND servers for about 2 1/2 Years and ive also been previously selected for Admin Appeals by Coolz himself.
Anyways i would like to make this short (Admins & Players dont need Homework!) I used to be Respected before the Update and was very good @ Votekicking/Banning players.
Thanks for reading mah App
Ive known killah for a while now and hes on ttt quite a lot. I can trust him to be responsible in any case.
» Magic «:
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