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Chimera Hunt Gamemode for Fretta server
Tactical Turdle:
Playing on the fretta server for countless times, I figured that I can make a suggestion. Perhaps a new gamemode
Chimera hunt is a gamemode where "Pigmasks" need to run away and kill the ultimate chimera. the chimera wins if they kill all Pigmasks, and vice versa.
The Pigmasks can kill the chimera by going up behind it and pressing a big button on it's back
A little bit more info here:
And a video of it if you are still curious.
GMod - Chimera Hunt Gamemode
ive seen this, looks pretty entertaining but... is it a lot to download? just curious
saw it awhile back, thought it looked fun
didnt really grab my interest though. id be willing to try it out.
i'd tap play it.
That looks fun :P
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