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Request to remove crummy cradle.

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Crit Nick:
Remove ttt_crummy_cradle.

It is played so often and it's usually the only map ever played on the server, it's like death garage for ZS.

I'm honestly tired of this map to the point where i dont want to play TTT anymore.

I'd come on for a round and everytime unless someone says otherwise it'll always be 'LAWL LETZ VOTE 4 CRUMMY CRADLE'

Map is overused nids ban

 :thumbsup: overplayed map on ttt

may I make a sub-suggestion?
remake the map as a TTT mod using the cradle map made for Goldeneye Source.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Dunnohoworiwould

needs remove,  :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Buddha on December 01, 2010, 04:59:23 PM --- :thumbsup: overplayed map on ttt

--- End quote ---


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