.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
Yes I know what's over is over, but...
... I just cannot let this go untill I make this thread. I know I am demoted along with everyone else. I know I abused. I know I deserved it.
This thread is a follow up to this thread:
Magic, I know you said what's done is done, but I need to point some things out first first...
1) His general story of what happened: "Jman and buddha Started it and when sabbath came in he tried to kick buddha for some random reason. and Cookie Monster came in when the map change, his name was -Sean. And The Abuses started. A guy named Digimon asking me to kick him, so i did. When the map change in alt_borders. Moo came in and All the VIP was involve was warned."
Well, to this I have nothing to say except for the real story. Yes, sure you made a youtube video but seemed to edit out the first map we were on...
It went like this: We were playing TTT and Buddha kicked me during my Traitor round and said via steam "Don't worry sb is fucked so u can just rejoin". I rejoined and kicked him for something like "bish made me lose my T round". The aboose continued and just about all of us did. Map change. Repeat.
My MAIN point is during this map, which was before the youtube video, iPounce, mokey, noxious, or whatever you want to call him kicked at LEAST 5 people. I can truly swear to this and so can Sabbath. Some of his reasons were like "killed another nice man","LOLTRAITOR", and others which I cannot recall. No, I am not trying to get iPounce in trouble in the slightest. I simply want to say how fabricated his story is and how he excluded all of the ones he kicked to sound like he did nothing wrong.
2) Don's comment: "Finally something for stupid sabb and jman to show that I wasn't involved in it. >.>"
Neither Sabb or me are stupid. We simply asked you if you did. I thought we resolved it over steam :/
3) Orly?: "I'm not blaming you and I'm not blaming Jman and Buddha for getting me demoted.
it's just misunderstanding."
First off, you are kind of blaming Buddha and I.
Second off, it was NOT a misunderstanding. We ALL abused (Yes, even you did.) and we ALL deserved the demote. Don't try to act like your demote was an accident...
4) Sorry, just wanted to point out something I found comical: Rocket's +1 on iPounce's post.
Holy shit rocket50 you are so butthurt and gay. I am not going to post here what you tried to do to me (yes I am talking about that thing with Smasters) as I am not that cruel as what you did. You +1 his comment because you are a suckup and are just mad because I am the only VIP that kicked you for PewPew spamkilling everyone who did not want it.
So rocket50, congratulations on my demote! You are a cool guy, not an underage backstabbing troll.
JUST to reiterate: I KNOW I ABUSED AND DESERVED IT. This thread has nothing to do with my demote or what I did wrong.
Wow this is why i stayed away from TTT the other day i was in deathrun instead Lol
Ain't got nothing much to say to this, just
my comment was mostly directed to Sabb, but I thought it would be unfair to just name him there. It wasn't full-serious and I'm sorry if it confused/whatever'd you. The "stupid" was merely a joke, and I wasn't implying that you two are seriously stupid. >.>
Anyway, feel free to elaborate on what rocket has done.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)No one likes him anyway
--- Quote from: jman15234 on December 01, 2010, 01:01:50 PM ---I am not going to post here what you tried to do to me (yes I am talking about that thing with Smasters) as I am not that cruel as what you did.
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Ohh, you mean when he tried to get Smas to demote you in game because he was minging, and when you threatened to kick him he said you can no longer kick because you're supposed to be demoted, then called Smas.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Yep he's a faggot.
--- Quote from: DoeniDon on December 01, 2010, 01:08:02 PM ---Ain't got nothing much to say to this, just
my comment was mostly directed to Sabb, but I thought it would be unfair to just name him there. It wasn't full-serious and I'm sorry if it confused/whatever'd you. The "stupid" was merely a joke, and I wasn't implying that you two are seriously stupid. >.>
Anyway, feel free to elaborate on what rocket has done.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)No one likes him anyway
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>implied the only time sourcebans was broken and people abused it was the one single round displayed in Mokey's post.
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on December 01, 2010, 01:08:23 PM ---Ohh, you mean when he tried to get Smas to demote you in game because he was minging, and when you threatened to kick him he said you can no longer kick because you're supposed to be demoted, then called Smas.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Yep he's a faggot.
--- End quote ---
Haha, oh wow.
This is, even for rocket, faggotry on an entirely new level.
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