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ZS weapon - portable health kit

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health kits that u can pick up during game-play and carry around until needed, making it a lot better for when u need health.

Yeah, Pisses me off when you have 99 health and you accidentally want over a health kit. It's be useful if you could carry them. Very similar to l4d. Remember, You DONT spawn with these. Must be placed in map for this to happen.

I'll be testing a few I found lurking on

Will edit post when I find a decent one, with download link and maybe a video.

Just reserving spot I guess.

If someone posts a good one, I'll make a video for you c:

@cable - I believe it should be unlockable, with the Cade kit and Grenade since the 20-kill unlockable is more of a support tier. Split it up an even 33.3%

Edit: So I found a decent one, but the .lua was all fucked up, like the POV looked shitty and instant regeneration. After messing with the Lua a bit, how does this sound

Healing Teammates:
Left Click (Mouse 1)
+15 HP
30 Seconds to Regenerate

Healing yourself:
Right Click (Mouse 2)
+10 HP
60 Seconds to Regenerate

That seem fair/not overbalanced?

I'll put a DL link soon enough, and the video is being converted ATM

The only "Bug" I can find with this specific one is that you can heal zombies if someone wanted to

Goddamnit, I'm determined to get this approved.

Edit 2: For the video as a demonstration, I had it set to 15HP self, 10HP teammate, 1 second regen rate.
(Crappy quality due to rushed down-conversion)

Health Kit test (For RND)

I like deaths idea, combined with kuhtis's.

Deathrun/ZS mashup, anyone?

(Its a joke, no raging)

I think I'm going to tweak this medkit out a bit more. A custom skin, and a few other things, and make a small "support" pack.

I'll make a new thread in the near future.


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