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Faster Normal zombies on ZS?

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I would like the normal zombies just to go a little faster, cuz they are pretty slow... and its hard to run after someone and they can get ahead of u and kill u...

as much as i want to say yes, i can't
they would be SO overpowered, especially with as much damage as they do now
the fact that they are so slow makes them a good balance of strength and speed.
add in the fact that they can walk AND attack...
sorry kurtis. i can't.  :thumbsdown:


--- Quote from: Deacon(TakeBackTheRain) on November 28, 2010, 10:34:23 PM ---as much as i want to say yes, i can't
they would be SO overpowered, especially with as much damage as they do now
the fact that they are so slow makes them a good balance of strength and speed.
add in the fact that they can walk AND attack...
sorry kurtis. i can't.  :thumbsdown:

--- End quote ---
This. And the fact that if this gets approved, all the other zombie classes would be worthless since the normal zombie will be overpowered.

hmmmm good point....

PhysicX M.D.:

zombies will be overpowered for first wave.


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