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4 Strength 4 Stam- Leather Belt? AHhhh!

Level 18? Ahhh Uhhh!

Oh yeah, I need to find a place to download this sound. Either that, or can someone record it via Audacity or the likes and upload it for me?
That'd be great.


--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on November 25, 2010, 04:15:09 PM ---4 Strength 4 Stam- Leather Belt? AHhhh!

Level 18? Ahhh Uhhh!

Oh yeah, I need to find a place to download this sound. Either that, or can someone record it via Audacity or the likes and upload it for me?
That'd be great.

--- End quote ---

I could rip the sound off the video using nero, but... What will I get in return?  8) 8)


--- Quote from: rocket50 on November 25, 2010, 05:15:12 PM ---I could rip the sound off the video using nero, but... What will I get in return?  8) 8)

--- End quote ---
A -1 res when possible.

Mr. Franklin:

--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on November 25, 2010, 05:17:00 PM ---A -1 res when possible.

--- End quote ---


Leather Belt?


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