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Zombie apocalypse manga
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on August 13, 2010, 05:42:48 AM ---fail.
ya its "hetai"
--- End quote ---
whoops hentai lol
yeah sanders told me about this a while back. I read all the manga and up to the current anime that's subbed.
Lawl ive told a lot of people about this one. Its got heaps of fanservice, but its also got a decent story so... If you like or can get yourself to ignore the fanservice its a good show.
I havent read the manga yet, since as far as I can tell, the anime is line for line almost exactly the same as the manga, so I dont want any spoilers.
@not having the patience to wait for the anime to come out once a week
hehe there are other animes this season which do NOT have manga associated with them, such as Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, which you are forced to wait on.
Mr. Franklin:
its funny when sanders talks about this on teamspeak3, but i just tell him to :gtfo:
I read through the first few Chapters, and so far it's quite interesting.
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