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Zombies need night vision

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--- Quote from: Aรรครรเภ on August 13, 2010, 02:56:44 AM ---So much for realism...

--- End quote ---

I'm improvising. It's easier to code. :P

TECHNICALLY, the zombies eyes glow
that should serve as a flash light right?
Maybe different colored flash light?
Bright red? or just pure white..

yes zombie flashllight,

material that lights up whole room. It is easy.

» Magic «:
they have night vision LOLOLOLOLOL

Press shift until you get to the white/red one

Enable post-processing & colour mod firzt


--- Quote from: » Magic « on August 13, 2010, 04:44:06 AM ---they have night vision LOLOLOLOLOL

Press shift until you get to the white/red one

Enable post-processing & colour mod firzt

--- End quote ---

Uh huh.  We know.
Compare that to nox's.

Use shift on deathlab (hallway where there are false floors)
See if you can see the couch blocking the way.


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