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Zombies need night vision
maybe this would make people more willing to become zombies = less ragequits when made zombie auto, would make me happy.
! ???
--- Quote from: andrewerickdias on August 24, 2010, 07:20:14 PM ---AND I WOULD BAN LESS PEOPLE
! ???
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Why is this dude still Respected? He's been reported for abusing his Respected twice now and just keeps admitting that he's a total idiot.
CS Nightvision for zombies - But then that would sort of take out the realisim, but it would work. Maybe it could just be like a purple nightvision - Heres an example from S.T.A.L.K.E.R
oh forget it - ill post a link if i find the URL to the download later - I cant find the pic + i uninstalled the gamemode that nightvision came with for STALKER. Eiether way its was a blurry purple nightvision that works well (but I like flashlight more)
--- Quote from: andrewerickdias on August 24, 2010, 07:42:54 PM ---CS Nightvision for zombies - But then that would sort of take out the realisim, but it would work. Maybe it could just be like a purple nightvision - Heres an example from S.T.A.L.K.E.R
oh forget it - ill post a link if i find the URL to the download later - I cant find the pic + i uninstalled the gamemode that nightvision came with for STALKER. Eiether way its was a blurry purple nightvision that works well (but I like flashlight more)
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stalker NV wasnt high def pisshit like otthergames, where you have NV on regardless of light...
but that kinda NV still too good with zombies
also stalker NV was green
-100 respect
--- Quote from: Marked One on August 24, 2010, 07:44:42 PM ----100 respect
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Just cause you said made me trigger it.
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