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Why the character sheets are taking long

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--- Quote from: Deacon(TakeBackTheRain) on November 21, 2010, 02:14:10 PM ---A hint: as with all religious text, the answer is
"God did it."

--- End quote ---

and jesus

then "the scientists killed thousands"
instead of the truth where the church killed thousands


--- Quote from: Purple on November 21, 2010, 02:09:42 PM --- Progress report - A(language),B(science),A(history),F(bible),F(math)

and I don't have a good feeling about the midterms (:

--- End quote ---

Ah, don't worry. I had a hard time in school too. Especially math back when I was still in high school. But if I recall correctly, in middle school, no one gave a rats ass so we were liek k w/e

I'm sorry for that though. Let me guess, you're ungrounded when the next report card comes in with good grades? :/

Cake Faice:
I thought it was illegal to do religion in school...unless you goto one of those fail-catholic schools.


--- Quote from: Purple on November 21, 2010, 02:09:42 PM --- F(bible)
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Purple on November 21, 2010, 02:12:27 PM ---nigger(s)
--- End quote ---

It just doesn't match up...

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Purple on November 21, 2010, 02:09:42 PM --- Progress report - A(language),B(science),A(history),F(bible),F(math)

and I don't have a good feeling about the midterms (:

--- End quote ---
Lol you have a bible class.


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