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Lawl's Regular Application 11-21-10


YourNameHere's Regular Application! Lawl's Regular Application!

SteamID: deathzone385 /

In-Game Name: Lawl™

Time online: Mostly in the afternoons, evenings.

Servers: Zombie Survival, and build.

Age: 15.

Birthday: 8-23-94.

Games (on Steam): Garry's Mod, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast.

Location: Texas, United States.

Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: I would love to be Regular on this server because I think this community has the nicest staff I've ever seen! On the other servers I think are nice but they're not as nice as this community! I want Regular so I can helpful in-game and help newcomers that come onto the server and persuade them to sign up on the forums! I think I should be Regular because I don't get mad easily, and I'm easy going and nice. I'll do anything the VIP's, Regular's ask me to do! I never rage, and spam into my mic or anything. I usually just play on the sever, communicate with the staff and have a fun time with them!

Contributions to RND: I haven't made any contributions to RND. But I can make guides, and alot more! I don't think I can make maps of any kind because I don't have the best computer. I have a brand new Laptop that I got a few months back and I don't know how to use a variety of special effects, and other tools needed to create special / eye-popping maps. I can make videos on the server and post them anywhere on the web to come and join this community!

If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following: Youtube: , Skype: deathzone385 , MSN: , E-Mail:

>Thank you very much! <


What?! I looked at the rules, and stickies. This is how my application should look like. Thumps up or thumps down.

Peter Petrelli:
Your not suppose to redo App over and over..  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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