Entertainment (Read Only) > Games

You wake up in a prison cell

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Freaking 4x anti-aliasing isn't working (4x is the highest I can go. srsly.)

--- Quote from: Shawn on November 17, 2010, 12:33:33 PM ---Ask the guard WTF happened Lol

--- End quote ---

You decide you're going to ask the guard what happened.

What's this? There doesn't seem to be a guard!

You venture outside. The facility seems long abandoned.

I go back to sleep again.

Mission accomplished.
Fap some more.


--- Quote from: Seb on November 18, 2010, 12:34:32 PM ---Freaking 4x anti-aliasing isn't working (4x is the highest I can go. srsly.)

You decide you're going to ask the guard what happened.

What's this? There doesn't seem to be a guard!

You venture outside. The facility seems long abandoned.

--- End quote ---

Now i look for some documentation or something in an old office..

Cake Faice:
You decided to take a shower. But you accidentally dropped the soap, and jailers around you don't take too kind to wasting precious soap.

You're screwed.


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