Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

[APPROVED]Diehard Regular App 11/16/2010


Diehards Regular Application!

Steam: doomster132

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20661089

In-Game Name: Diehard

Time online: 24/7

Servers: Random wirebuild, Disco build

Age: 16

Birthday: Jan 7 1993

Games (on Steam): Garry's mod, Counter strike source, Half life blue shift, half life opposing force, portal, team fortress 2, team fortress classic, ricochet, Half life 2, half life 2 deathmatch, half life 2 lost coast, half life

Location: USA,California

Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: I am very mature and I help out alot. I do Expression 2 alot and I like to play around, I am very nice but some times I will explode lol. I think I should be a regular because I can help out others in what they need help in.

If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following: <-- that is MSN aswell.

>Thank you for viewing my application, Happy thanksgiving to all? lol <

I am good with Expression 2 I am willing to help anyone that is in need of help. I will help as soon as I get Regular if I ever do :o

I use to be respected but Ranks got reset or something so yea.

Ahh ive known this player for along time



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