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Ability to Change Votes for Votekicking and Votebanning

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When there is a votekick, some people, such as me, press "F12" instead of "F11" accidently, and when the vote ends, the no votes outnumber the yes by one.

So, can someone fix votekicking and votebanning to allow someone to change their vote when they have already casted their vote?

part of the reason why we have regulars is so that this problem would be avoided


like giving at least 1-2 minutes to change a vote if someone has voted?

So basically
*votekick: Devie*
*Reason: bish*
vote 1 out of 5 cast
vote 2 out of 5 cast
vote 3 out of 5 cast
player1: wait, what did she do?
--2 minutes until the voting ends--
*this 2 minutes a time for players to talk about what happened, what did she do, and also gives time for the person getting kicked to explain himself*
player3: wait, no she didn't mean to shoot - she wasn't RDMing. (just an example)
vote 1 changed
vote 2 changed

Like that?

Na it's fine how it is.
I can see a lot of people trolling with this, changing their vote at the last second for teh lulz.


--- Quote from: Moolz ♥ on November 15, 2010, 06:29:11 PM ---Hmmm...

like giving at least 1-2 minutes to change a vote if someone has voted?

So basically
*votekick: Devie*
*Reason: bish*
vote 1 out of 5 cast
vote 2 out of 5 cast
vote 3 out of 5 cast
player1: wait, what did she do?
--2 minutes until the voting ends--
*this 2 minutes a time for players to talk about what happened, what did she do, and also gives time for the person getting kicked to explain himself*
player3: wait, no she didn't mean to shoot - she wasn't RDMing. (just an example)
vote 1 changed
vote 2 changed

Like that?

--- End quote ---

Not more time, change in vote


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