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A Way To Get People To Stop Bitching...

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--- Quote from: Frank on November 14, 2010, 10:12:14 AM ---Oh fucking really.
That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm just saying the numbers.

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why would you gain 30-150 that would make it completely imbalenced.

I don't see how +5 for inno and +10 for det would hurt  :idk:


--- Quote from: jman15234 on November 14, 2010, 11:01:48 AM ---why would you gain 30-150 that would make it completely imbalenced.

I don't see how +5 for inno and +10 for det would hurt  :idk:

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And you get 100 karma.

Listen up, bitches.

The reason that killing innocents as traitor does not make your karma go up is because people who RDM all of the time will just replenish their karma when they're traitor.

The system is fine the way it is. You just have to be more careful now. Instead of killing anyone you want, you just have to be more careful now.

Unless you want more RDMers on RND, I highly suggest you guys just accept the new karma system.


--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on November 14, 2010, 11:17:24 AM ---Listen up, bitches.

The reason that killing innocents as traitor does not make your karma go up is because people who RDM all of the time will just replenish their karma when they're traitor.

The system is fine the way it is. You just have to be more careful now. Instead of killing anyone you want, you just have to be more careful now.

Unless you want more RDMers on RND, I highly suggest you guys just accept the new karma system.

--- End quote ---
Couldn't say it any better.


--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on November 14, 2010, 11:17:24 AM ---Listen up, bitches.

The reason that killing innocents as traitor does not make your karma go up is because people who RDM all of the time will just replenish their karma when they're traitor.

The system is fine the way it is. You just have to be more careful now. Instead of killing anyone you want, you just have to be more careful now.

Unless you want more RDMers on RND, I highly suggest you guys just accept the new karma system.

--- End quote ---

Thing is, if you're a RDMer, chances are, your karma's too low to even kill anyone. Most likely, you'll just get a single knife kill.
The point of gaining karma for kills as T, is if you have a perfect 1000, and you accidentally shoot at someone, or make a single mistake, which brings it down to 600, not those fags who run around with 10 karma.


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