Creative Arts (Read Only) > Graphics

ppl say hair2long

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thats not what i meant they think your hair is long but mines down to my nose so they'll probably kill meh D:
honestly i know about 10 boys with hair longer than yours in my school......


--- Quote from: accelleon on November 14, 2010, 06:19:54 AM ---trololo

thats not what i meant they think your hair is long but mines down to my nose so they'll probably kill meh D:
honestly i know about 10 boys with hair longer than yours in my school......

--- End quote ---

iknow. ppl day hair is long, ITS PRACTICALLY SHORT

Sexy beast. LOLOLOL

Mine's longer.
Also, a guy at my school has hair literally almost down to his ass.

» Magic «:
nobody says my hair is too long and its about the same, maybe just cause mine is styled using nothing but a comb :P

year old photo for teh win

more recent shiz ( 4 months lulul )


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