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zs new malee weapon

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Lazer Blade:

--- Quote from: jman15234 on November 14, 2010, 09:54:38 AM ---I say spawn with a para, ar2, rpg, nades, and the ability to give yourself whatever weapon you want.


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  well with those weapons humans may be to overpowered but we could always add them in the killing system like       para=55 kills            ar2=70 kills                  nades are 20 kills    rpg=100 kills


--- Quote from: LAZER BLADE RND on November 14, 2010, 10:45:56 AM ---  well with those weapons humans may be to overpowered but we could always add them in the killing system like       para=55 kills            ar2=70 kills                  nades are 20 kills    rpg=100 kills

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>implying i was being serious -.-

I think it would be cool if zombies got to play as the tank after they got 3 kills.


We don't want any "malee" weapons, no.


--- Quote from: LAZER BLADE RND on November 13, 2010, 09:16:40 AM ---alright so i was thinking of adding a baseball bat with nails into zs. its should be added as a wep that u get a chance of spawning with,
along with the bat comes regenerating baseballs that you can throught up and hit at the zombies.

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Ugh let's not turn ZS into TF2? ::)
While you're at it you might as well add the Natascha amirite?


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