Entertainment (Read Only) > Games
Vault 85 (Fallout 3 Map)
i made this little mod a year ago on my old shit comp and thought it was lost forever but luckily i had sent it 2 one of my friends and he sent it to me :D so i decided to add on to it
first it was supposed to be a totally strange mod, a buried underground ship/ferry but then I decided to add on to it ;)
the two levels (the c-deck part i think its called) was the original but i added the second class later and first class sections - incase u didnt know first second and third class is what they use on ships some times, basicly poor middle rich.
anyway the ship breached a vault entrance for a vault called vault 85, and i'm not gonna upload it to nexus because it has some compatibilty issues and theyre to many ppl on the nexus that complain and dont read rules so i'm gonna release it here just for you from mediafire =D here is the linky http://www.mediafire.com/?1gfs819f4c42xz9
you might need the pitt, if you don't have any issues with your other mods turned on then leave them as it is but if you do disable them
please tell me what you think. i might make a new vegas version but the new vegas geck has big problems
o and here some pics but i only took pics of about a quarter of the map - where the vault meets the ship and the vaults exterior and interior
Mr. Franklin:
awesome map holy sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
thank u ;D
» Magic «:
dat FO3 mod
dat is infact a f03 mod
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