Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

[REMAKE]I, SirCuddles would like to be a regular application 11/10/2010


Hi, i used to be a 'respected' on the gmod wire build server, but i stopped playing gmod for months, and now i am just a guest... also i see your system has changed, but i would like to become a regulare because i cant build much right now, and i want to spawn my adv dupe stuff that i made when i used to go on the server... now, if you want to know about me, i am an 18 year old first year university student, I am taking an engineering degree and i despise trolls. If you get to know me you will realize i am a good guy, so i hope you can find it in your hearts to approve me =)

Mr. Franklin:
yes.jpg  :thumbsup:

Lazer Blade:

Please Remake


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