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When the servers are down

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Whenever the servers are down for a reason such as: "This server is running an older version of the game you are trying to play." it just means that Gmod has been updated and Coolz hasn't updated the servers yet. He updates whenever he has time so be patient.

Keep this in mind before making a thread called "WTF WHY SERVERS ARE DOWN" and then getting laughed at.  ;D

Like Don Said, "Go Masturbate"

I find the thread incomplete. i say add some things to do while the server is down. Such as links to cool flash games or links to some cool programs to play around with OR some server Ips that you could go to while the precious rnd servers are down  ;)

               - Cables sister

If the servers don't work, it's time to masturbate.



--- Quote from: Don on November 10, 2010, 03:27:30 AM ---If the servers don't work, it's time to masturbate.


--- End quote ---



--- Quote from: Don on November 10, 2010, 03:27:30 AM ---If the servers don't work, it's time to masturbate.


--- End quote ---
This. ^^


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